My friend MK and I started a 6-week fitness plan. Today was Day 1. Day 1 included a 6:00am Bikini Boot Camp class that was so hard I almost threw up. I've always wondered while watching shows like Biggest Loser & Work-Out why the people on the shows are always puking during their workouts. Well, today I figured it out. Bikini Boot Camp.
Our "warm up" was 5 laps around the tennis courts, followed by a set of squats & a set of push-ups. Then 3 more laps around the courts, followed by more squats & more push-ups. Then, you guessed it, 1 more lap around the courts, more squats, more push-ups. Then, here's the best part, a set of burpees. This is when I got dizzy & almost threw up. This was also still the beginning of the class. I had 45 more minutes to go. It was a rough 1st class, but I was so proud of myself for doing it. I drove home feeling like a gladiator, until I got in the shower & almost tipped over trying to shave my legs because they were shaking so much. Whatever. No pain, no gain.
Bikini Boot Camp is a 6-week class. It's offered twice a week, but we're only going to take it on Mondays. We're going to supplement it by taking Body Sculpt at the Y on Wed & Fri mornings. Then we'll do cardio on our own, or rather, as our aching, exhausted muscles allow (at least in my case). At the end of our 6 weeks, we're going to evaluate our progress & either keep going on our own, or potentially hire a trainer. The Y offers 1 on 2 training, so it's not a bad deal. Also, the Bikini Boot Camp instructor offers a Bridal Boot Camp, which we may also take once this class is over. We'll just see how it goes between now & then. Knowing my luck, I'll sustain some kind of ridiculous injury usually reserved for senior citizens & end up spending the next 3 months in physical therapy.....