Weekend Wrap Up: I Ran 7 Miles Edition

Getting my hurrr did at Salon Nfuse on Saturday.

"Check out this hottie.  Oh, and Mark."

7 miles!!!  
And the subsequent breakfast bagel that assuredly contained more calories than the 853 I had just burned.  C'est la vie...

More pics & info available on Flickr! and Instagram.


I stayed in & finished watching Season One of Downton Abbey.  This is officially my new favorite show.  The first season only has 7 episodes & it's on Netflix Instant, so you should all watch it!  It's so good!


I ran around town & did some errands until my hair appointment.  For a few years now, I've been getting my hair highlighted at Trim, but sadly, my colorist (Gio!) up & moved to Mexico (like you do).  So my stylist, *Jordan, who's been cutting my hair for years, is now going to start coloring it, too.  My first color appointment with her was on Saturday.  I knew she'd do a good job because she does such a good job with my cuts, & she's blonde.  She did a great job!  My hair looks so good!  Hooray!

*Jordan is at Salon Nfuse for anyone looking for a stylist/colorist.  I highly recommend her.

That night, we met our friends Keith & Nicole (not Urban/Kidman) for dinner at Coco's Italian Market, where I continued my love affair with their meatball pizza.  Ya'll, it's so good, seriously.  Then we trekked over to Mercy Lounge for The Features show.  The Features played an awesome show (of course they did) & we had a blast.  My friend Jolie is married to one of the band members & she just moved to Chicago & couldn't make the show, so I took a picture of me & her husband & texted it to her with this message, "Check out this hottie.  Oh, and Mark."  I'm such a good friend.


My entire Sunday can be summed up in two words:  7 miles.  I totally ran 7 miles yesterday.  It's my longest run to date & I'm pretty proud of myself.  My training partners, Jaime, Cara & I ran with East Nasty yesterday, which is awesome for a multitude of reasons, primarily due to Shelby Bottoms' proximity to Mitchell Deli.  Oh, hello Mitchell breakfast bagel, it's been a long time...

I did nothing else yesterday.  I couldn't really use my legs.  So I laid on the couch & watched the two-hour, first episode of Season Two of Downton Abbey online.  Episode two aired last night, but I recorded it to watch later because I was watching the Golden Globes.  And by watching, I mean sleeping through.

Weekend Wrap Up: Hamburger Cake Edition

A Job! Finally, A Job!