RIP, TiVo. RIP...
Friends, if you're not already sitting down, you better take a seat because I have some very upsetting news. Last week, TiVo died. I know, I know. It's okay, I cried, too. One night last week, I got home from a run, sat down on the couch (like you do) & turned on the tv. Nothing. Actually, that's a lie. There was something, but it was the public access channel. Not good. Where's TiVo? And why is the picture so squiggly?
A few weeks ago, John caught a mouse, so my first thought was that a mouse got back there & chewed through a wire. Not so. All the wires were in tact. Which is actually kind of a relief. I'd hate to think that TiVo suffered while a mouse slowly chewed through it's power cord. Nope. TiVo went like we all hope to, peacefully in its sleep.
I lost easily 3 weeks of recorded shows. God knows what they were. I'm still trying to figure it out. Every time I talk to someone else, I remember another show that I forgot I watch. Oy. After an appropriate grieving period, I went to stupid Comcast & got their stupid DVR. I told the rep that my TiVo died, to which he replied, "Well, you'll love your new DVR - no annoying noises or beeps." Gasp! How dare you. I am in mourning!
John installed the new DVR last week & after waiting TWO DAYS for the menu to load, I'm slowly rebuilding my queue. It's a work in progress. I keep wanting to give shows the "thumbs up" so that this new DVR can learn what I like, but alas, there is no such button. Speaking of the remote, why so many power buttons, Comcast? I don't ever need to turn the box off. One simple power button would have done it, thanks.
TiVo, I hope you're resting peacefully in that big box in the sky, recording things like Highway to Heaven & Touched By an Angel. Say hi to my VCR.
RIP, TiVo. RIP....