Amish horse & buggy in Lawrenceburg.
You'll note the lack of electrical poles & wires... #amish
New arrow earrings from Old Made Good.
Brian & Jessica, parents-to-be.
The spread.
The cake!
Me, Deepa, Jessica, Brandi, & Shannon.
Sunday = catch up on magazines day.
Bra top? Really, Lucky? Really?
More pics & info available on Flickr! & Instagram.
I had to go to Lawrenceburg on Friday. This just in: Amish people still exist! These pics are actually my mom's. I tried to take pics, but couldn't pull if off while driving.
I hosted a baby shower for our friends Brian & Jessica. A BIG thanks to my mom & my friend Alexis who spent Saturday morning helping me clean, cook, & set up for the shower. Thank you!! This was the first baby shower I've ever hosted & I kind of had no idea what I was doing. Luckily, Jessica didn't want a traditional shower, so I basically just threw a party, which I do know how to do.
My long run yesterday got rained/snowed out, so OF COURSE I spent the whole day doing nothing but making poor food choices. I also spent a good amount of time reading magazines. Are we all in agreement that Lucky sucks without Kim France? I've subscribed to that magazine since it was born, but I think I'm done with it. What fashion magazines do you still read?