The Blonde Mule

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Weekend Wrap Up: The Shins Edition

I met my friend Lana on Saturday morning for a bike ride.  Because I'm new to riding, I don't have cycling clothes yet, & in fact, am still riding in a borrowed pair of tri shorts.  It was 46 degrees outside on Saturday morning.  I covered up & layered as much as I could, but I still rode 14 miles in 46 degrees in shorts.  I warmed up a little at Barista, but it was short-lived.

Back at home, & still freezing, I jumped into bed to warm up.  I was playing on my iPad when John came stomping upstairs with a box that looked like it had been to hell & back.  It was my purse!  This purse, nay satchel, is the most stressful, frustrating purchase I've ever made, but it's here, it's beautiful & I love it.

On Saturday night, we went to dinner with Katie, Dave & Alexis, & Keith & Nicole.  We tried for Lockeland Table, but didn't get in & went to Eastland Cafe instead.  And you all know the best part of eating at Eastland Cafe - going across the street to Jeni's afterwards for dessert!  Pumpkin 5-Spice, you complete me.

Yesterday John helped me snazz up our front porch a little.  I usually plant a bunch of mums & put them on our front stairs, but last year they all blew over & my pots broke.  So this year, I just planted a bunch in one big planter up by the front door.  Take that, wind!

I bought this mirror months ago at the Goodwill in Lawrenceburg for $10.  My friend Jaime has the exact same mirror, but she paid $80.  Score!  It's super heavy, but John rigged up the back with some heavy duty wire & hung it for me.  You can't see the bar cart, but it's in the same room & they really go well together.  I need to style that table, but I like it!

Rounding out the 2012 Jaime & Kim Concert Series, we went to see The Shins last night at Ryman Auditorium.  To avoid getting held hostage again, they held a Hatch print for me.  I love it!

I saw The Shins at the Ryman during their last tour & we saw part of their show at Bonnaroo this year, but last night blew everything else out of the water.  I love The Shins & they put on a great show last night.  Granted, it's hard to put on a bad show at the Ryman, but well done, Shins!