Weekend Wrap Up: Thanksgiving Prep Edition

I love Thanksgiving, like really love Thanksgiving.  Every year, I eagerly await the arrival of the November issues of my favorite food magazines, then I hoard them until I'm ready to give them my undivided attention.  I also save them (obvi), so after I've gone through the new ones, I can go back through my old ones.

Friday night I was finally able to sit down & go through all of my new magazines.  There's good stuff in there, people.  Good stuff!

In preparation for the Boulevard Bolt on Thursday, I ran a practice run early Saturday morning with Heidi & Allison.  Afterwards, we warmed up over coffee & complex carbs.  The Belle Meade Bread & Company makes a mean breakfast bagel, btw.  Who knew?!

My best friend since middle school / college roommate recently moved down the street from me.  She  moved to Japan when I moved to NYC & we've lost touch over the past 5-6 years, but we're back, baby!  We met for lunch at Korea House & then we spent a long time back at my house going through old pictures & re-living our youth.  Sigh...

On Saturday night, we met Sarah & Adam to see Lincoln.  Sarah has all of these ridiculous, but hilarious things that make her cry.  In addition to "athletic achievement", "Lincoln" is also on the list. She brought a package of Kleenex & I daresay she used them all.  It's an amazing movie though.  I cried, too.  Highly, highly recommend seeing it.  Daniel Day-Lewis, as always, you complete me.

Yesterday was the day I decided on my Thanksgiving menu, made a shopping list & braved the pre-Thanksgiving crowd at Publix.  By looking at this table, you'd think I'm feeding an army, or at the least, a family.  Nope.  I have a big family & we all gather for lunch on Thanksgiving.  There's already more food than we can eat, but I can't not bring anything, so I bring things.

Some years, people like what I bring.  Some years, not so much.  I'm looking at you, last year's shredded brussel sprouts with pancetta. This year, I'm sticking to things people like (baked cheese grits & pumpkin pie) & only adding one new thing:  Billy's Reid's buttermilk-lemon chess pie a la last year's Bon Appetit.  We'll see!

Yesterday was the 2nd annual Mayor's 5K Run/Walk Challenge in downtown Nashville.  I ran it last year & had a blast.  This year, my parents wanted to join me, so we walked it.  They reversed the course this year, so it wasn't all uphill, which was way better.  It was a lot of fun!  And the weather was gorgeous!

Last night, John & I re-visited an old favorite that we never make anymore:  chicken enchiladas!  So good!  I forget how much food this is though.  We'll be eating these babies all week.  Jealy?

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