Weekend Wrap Up: The September Issue Edition

I thoroughly enjoyed my first weekend post-race.  I sat home most of Saturday & read my library book (

The Cuckoo's Calling

) & the September issue of Vogue.  I decided to live tweet Vogue, which seemed like a good idea until I started doing it.  Whatever, I did it anyway, but it was pretty non-eventful.  To compensate, I blew up my Instagram feed.  You're welcome.

If you're not on Instagram & care about pictures of magazine pages I took with my phone, they're on Flickr


.  Next up:  Marie Claire!

Alas, I am doing one more triathlon.  (I know.)  I'm doing NashVegas on September 7th.  But just sprint distance, not Olympic.  Because ain't nobody got time for that.  Lana is doing it, too, so we trekked back out to Percy Priest on Sunday morning for yet another open water swim practice.  Man, swimming is so much better when you only have to swim 400 yards.

We went to Barista afterwards where we were promptly greeted by a power outage.  We had just ordered & sat down.  After awhile, they came over & offered us free iced coffee because that's all they could serve.  Then the power came back on & they still brought us our orders, so....  I had all the coffee.

Yesterday John & I finally went to Frist Center to see the Sensuous Steel exhibit.  Man, it was so awesome!  I didn't think I'd be that interested in a car exhibit, but I totally was!  I took a million pictures.  If you're on Instagram, you've seen them.  If not, you can see them on Flickr


.  I highly recommend you go see this exhibit before it closes on September 15th.

Last night, because I had 1,000 cups of coffee, I stayed up & watched the VMA's.  God knows why.  I think because I wanted to see Justin Timberlake.  And, I was awake, so whatever.  My friend had posted earlier that her 5 year old son was walking around the house singing, "I peed on my suit and tie, suit and tie, suit and tie.  I peed on my suit and tie."  As soon as JT came on, that's the first thing that popped into my head.  Just try & hear that song now in it's original version.  It's impossible.  Brady, you've ruined me forever!

2013 Reading Round Up, Part One

Race Recap: Tri Fall Creek Falls