Week 10. Halfway to 20. Holy crap! Here's what my training looked like this week:
60 minute
45 minute open water swim (in a wetsuit)
1:03 hour bike ride (14.86 miles)
Avg mph: 14.1
2 mile brick (22:29 minutes)
1:51 hour bike ride (24.70 miles)
Avg mph: 13.3
1:40 hour trainer ride
Avg mph: 15.8
Avg HR: 123 bpm
Max HR: 142 bpm
2.96 mile run (29:45 minutes)
5.15 mile run (1:00 hour)
The weather in Tennessee this week was nuts. We had unusually cool, fall-like mornings & evenings. Like most runners, I'm faster in cooler temps & this week reflects that. My weight also dropped down another notch this week. I'm hovering in between 168-169. The last time I was under 170 was 2005. So... that's insane.
I've been having trouble shifting on my bike, so I dropped it off at
for a tune-up. The housing for my cables was split & starting to rust, so they replaced all that. The 'ole girl shifts like a dream now. I was also missing an important bolt somewhere integral to me not dying while in motion, so they replaced that, too. And I got a light for my Monday Night Ladies Rides!
I talked to my masters swim coach this week about open water swims. I'm getting faster in the pool, but it's not translating to open water. My endurance is good, but I need to swim faster, so she's going to start giving me 200m drills in the pool to get me faster in open water.
I'm doing
Olympic next Sunday, so this will be a taper week. I don't know how to taper for an Olympic while still training for a 70.3, but I guess I'll figure it out? This should be fun.