The Blonde Mule

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Half Ironman 70.3 Training: Week 14

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This was a strong training week. I felt good during & after all of my work-outs & even did a couple of things I'm proud of, including a 3 mile brick, a HEADSTAND & not quitting my long ride when I got back to my car 15 minutes before I was supposed to.

Here's what my training looked like:


60 minute OWS in wetsuit

(Sportsplex was closed again this week)


1:20 hour bike ride (15.05 miles)

Avg mph:  11.2

1:46 hour bike ride (22.20 miles)

Avg mph:  12.5

3 mile brick (35:59 minutes)

3:15 hour bike ride (45 miles)

2 mile brick

(my Garmin died - no data)

Bike total:  82.25 miles


4.90 mile run (1:00 hour)

7.01 mile run

(1:21 hours)

Run total (including bricks):  16.91 miles

Total training:  12 hours

I took my friend Paige's yoga class again on Thursday night & did a headstand! Sooo loving that class. Thanks, Paige!

I had a really great long ride on Saturday:  no Garmin, good weather, good nutrition:

I had 2 cups of coffee & a waffle with PB&J at home, 1 rice cake 50 minutes into the ride, another rice cake 50 minutes later & then a package of caffeinated chocolate candies Season gave me from NRC 50 minutes after that (the package is equal to 1 cup of coffee). Plus, I had a salt pill once an hour (3 total), 1 bottle of Hammer Perpetuem & 1 bottle of Nuun.

It's the first time that I've finished a Trace ride strong. It's also the first time I didn't go home & take a 2-3 hour nap. So yeah, maybe I've finally got this nutrition thing figured out.

In the next 5 weeks (!!), I'm supposed to ice my knees after every long or hard run, get a bike tune-up & buy new running shoes. And not get injured. Oh! I also need to make sure I know how to change a flat. I learned how when I first got my bike, but I've never had to do it & I doubt that information is still in my brain.

Five weeks, y'all!