5 Ways a Social Media Consultant Can Help You
When I was first cutting my social media teeth, I managed social media for political campaigns. It was a great learning experience because there was a finish line (election day), a goal (get elected), and the online voice I was creating was for a real, live human being.
Fun facts about me: I worked in a State Legislature, have a masters degree in public administration, and managed a multi-state, non-profit government relations department.
I literally made a career out of speaking on behalf of other people, which, SURPRISE, is what makes me successful as a social media manager.
So how does any of this help you if you’re not running for office? Easy!
Are you:
a band with an album coming out
a non-profit with a yearly fundraiser
an author with a book coming out
a yearly book or music festival
a restaurant with a grand opening
a retail space with a grand opening
a designer with a new product line
Good news! A lot of these events mirror a political campaign in that there’s a finish line, a goal, and a singular voice. Candidates don’t get elected because they spend 6 months telling you to vote for them. They get elected because they convinced you that you like them.
Social media works the same way! A social media strategy that is nothing but calls to action doesn’t work. But a social media strategy that takes the time to curate an authentic voice, includes a human element and builds a connection does work.
Here are some of the ways I can help you:
one-time consultation
monthly feedback sessions on what you’re posting
social media audit
content calendar creation
hashtags for your posts
If you’ve got a big event or campaign coming up and feel overwhelmed with how early to start promoting it, let me help. A great way to start is by scheduling a one-on-one consultation.
I work full-time at this so you don’t have to!
P.S. Pros and cons of switching to an Instagram business profile
P.P.S. How to calculate your engagement rate on Instagram