Monday Morning Nudes

Monday Morning Nudes


My very first published essay is out in the Nashville Scene! You can read it here. The essay is called Monday Morning Nudes and it’s about taking nudes of myself for a painting Veronica Leto did of me for an exhibit at Museum of Contemporary Art Nashville.

HUGE thank you to Erica Ciccarone for seeing my dumb joke about this essay on Twitter and asking if she could publish it. Additional thanks to D. Patrick Rodgers. I have a million people to thank and I don’t care if you think it’s dumb because this is my first time getting published and I’m excited. 

Thank you to The Porch, Susannah Felts, and Lisa Bubert. Thank you to my writing group, especially K.K. Fox who helped me cut this down from 1500 to 800 words. Thank you to Veronica Leto. Thank you to Elisabeth Donaldson for taking the picture the painting is based on, and for sending me your nudes. Last, but not least, thank you to my hype women. You know who you are.

Read Monday Morning Nudes here.

P.S. This is my first published essay, but it’s not the first time I’ve publicly shared an essay. Check out my experience being a part of Heartbreak Happy Hour last year.

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